How to save, share and use a report on a dashboard

Learn more about how to query  and build reports your cloud spending with the dynamic cost explorer.

Save a report based on a query of the dynamic cost explorer 

When you have the report you want you can save it and you will able to share it and add it on a dashboard . 

Click on the "save report" button and a form will appear where you set:

Use a saved report as a widget on a dashboard and share it

Once saved, you can go to a dashboard and click on the "see all reports" checkbox to list all your saved reports. Then you can:

For a favorite report you can resize the widget or move its position in the dashboard.

On the dashboard you can edit the name by clicking the pencil button along the name (1) and if you wan to edit the report itself click on its name (2), you will be redirected to a static view of the report, you will have to click on the "Offline report" to be able to change the report etc.