Connecting Teevity to your GCP environment 

Last updated - 2023/12/07

Teevity connects to your GCP environment via two disting ServiceAccounts:

Connection with the Teevity CLI

You can use the Teevity CLI (cf to find the installation instructions).

teevity cloudservices declare-account-gcp --help

teevity --key "$TEEVITY_APIKEY" cloudservices declare-account-gcp \

  --billingaccount-id "a5cxxx_xxxxxx_xxxgg3" \

  --billingaccount-name "<Acme GCP BillingAccount>" \

  --bigquery-export-project "acme-billing-project" \

  --bigquery-export-dataset "billing-dataset" \

  --bigquery-export-table "gcp_billing_export_v1_a5cxxx_xxxxxx_xxxgg3" \

  --polling-do-not-immediately-poll-costs-for-created-or-updated-platforms \

  --gcpProjectsFiltering.bigQueryWhereClause.base64 ""


Permissions required for the Billing Data connection

The ServiceAccount used by Teevity to fetch the Billing data require the following IAM Roles on your BigQuery billing dataset:

Permissions required for the Monitoring Data

The ServiceAccount used by Teevity to fetch the Monitoring data require the following IAM Roles:

Teevity actually only uses a subset of the permissions granted by the Roles described above. The exact subset is: